Friday, February 10, 2012

Goofing Off

We flew a little bit...

Then I flew backwards...Then Brad flew a little bit... Our fancy dinner with Raspberry Shirley Temples!

Brad helped Connor with this Science Experiment last month, on how fast Skittles would deteriorate in different substances. Brad got SO excited about this project!! I'm not sure how much Connor actually needed, but Brad was covering ALL bases of the project and what was happening to the skittles.

Just a week ago I drove down to Pocatello at 630 in the morning to INTUBATE people!! I had to scrub down into their scrubs and booties and wear this funky hair net! haha, thank goodness i found a smaller one that actually fit my head and not this balloon!If you have ever had surgery where you've been put out, you have been intubated, like so! Except only the tube is left in during the surgery attached to the ventilator. It was such a great experience to actually practice on REAL patients, since this is something I will possibly do someday in the field. I got 7 intubations total for the day. Between intubations I got to watch surgeries! Another favorite part of the day!! I've always wanted to see surgeries be done! I got to see kidney stone surgery, Gallbladder removal, hysterectomy, some weird tooth surgery (he pulled 2 molars out of the guys mouth, then cut into his cheek to remove pus... Not sure what was going on there), some back surgery (the patient looked like an alien with her spine exposed!!), and a neck fusion. IT WAS SO AWESOME!!! I loved bouncing between rooms to see what was going on. The surgeons do listen to music too. I always saw it in TV shows and found it kind of odd, but they really do! The Doctor removing the Gallbladder was rapping as he was poking his holes through her skin... SO CRAZY!! If there wasn't music they were talking about the latest sports teams or something as they are cutting, and moving stuff around. I got all my intubations the first time except for one... Whose throat got a little cut... I'M SORRY MAN! I got it the second time though, and the anesthesiologist told me it happens, so no big deal. I still felt bad though.

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