Sunday, February 5, 2012

Date Night: Star Gazing

Here we are! Date night last weekend we went star gazing. We layed in the back of our car with the seats down. We used blankets to stay warm and had the heat on full blast, surprisingly it was just enought to stay warm!! :) Plus the Winter here hasn't been bad AT ALL!! It's been an average of 30 degrees, which for Rexburg is FANTASTIC!! Hardly any snow and even if it does it melts the next day b/c of the 35 degree weather.Bradley John in the trunk The blankets used in the back of the trunk. This is how we laid to look at the stars. Either on the back edge or inside of the trunk.

We drove out to the "haunted" swing, just past Rexburg for no lights and peacefulness! It was so nice to escape from Rexburg for a little bit and just be with each other.

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