January was a busy busy month! We're both back in school, with pretty full schedule's. This semester is a lot of business classes for me. They are pretty tough, just cause I'm not a business thinker. My hardest is definately accounting!! Blah! Worst class ever, how people like it I will never know...
Something I accomplished this month was taking my NREMT test (National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians) I had taken the practical test (hands on stuff) in December before the end of the semester. But had to wait to take this in January, which I did in 71 questions!! The test is on a computer and will give you 70-150 questions depending how well you do throughout the test. So when it shut off at 71 I knew I had either aced it or failed it. SO glad I aced it! Now I'm OFFICIAL! :D
Last weekend we went down to Utah to have one last hoorah with my cousin Molly. Brad got to go snowboarding with Dallin and Nick, while I partied with Molly. :) We went to costco (my favorite store!), played games, celebrated her birthday, and talked with lots of family. Brad got to meet a lot of my cousins I grew up playing with. He had a great time meeting them as well. We didn't do much, but we always have a blast together, so I loved it!! Molly is now in the Provo MTC, soon to be going to Richmond, Virginia, Spanish speaking! I'm so excited for her, but sad I don't get to see her for 18 months!!! :( Love you Molly!
February has a lot more in store, and it's a short month! YAY!! Cause I'm double excited for March and warmer weather!! (hopefully)