Wonderful Nicole did my hair this week!! To get out the red, one of the first steps we did was a weave with bleach! You can't really tell in the picture but the highlights were extremely blonde, almost white!!! :) Then we did an all over color...
Ta-da!! Turned out fabulous! It's back to my natural color-ish, just more golden! I Love it so much!!! All the colors looks great. Thanks again Nicole!
Last night we had fondue with Nicole & Jon, Noelle & Ryan, Nellie & Justin! We had the whole speel; cheese for dipping, and oil for cooking the meat, then chocolate for the goods!! We had a lot of time yesterday so we decorated a little for the occassion. Thanks for the lovely night guys!
Today we went on a bike ride around all our favorite spots in Rexburg. i.e. nature park and the canals, because we both like greenery and water.
School has also started. My LAST SEMESTER of classes!! (Internship this fall) It's a very laid back semester, I feel like I have so much time now! Still ambulance ride alongs, but not nearly as many tests as last semester. Someone in my class added up our tests last semester. A woppin 47 tests and 20 quizzes!!! Does that seem like a lot? Cause it was literally 3 a weekend!!! So crazy... Brad is loving his business classes! Can't wait for warmer weather and more time outside!