- Wake up at 3:30, to leave
- Independence Missouri
- Liberty Jail
- Far West
- Adam-ondi-Ahman
- Nebraska by Dinner time w/ Nicole and Jon
September 2nd
- Celebrate Brad's birthday
- Lazy day hanging out
- Nebraska Temple
- Winter Quarters
- Play with Nic and Olivia
- Dinner at Mongolian Grill
- Wake up at 2 am to drive to Vail
- 12 o'clock arrive at Vail for a Wonderful Wild Wyeth Weekend!! :)
Independence Missouri was our first stop, right when they opened. We had a wonderful tour guide through the visitor center who told us a lot about the pioneers who lived there and in the area. They had this beautiful statue that is different from visitor's centers I've seen, this represents the second coming.Then we went out and across the street to the reformed church that looks like this. Remember we woke up at 3:30, don't judge.
We continued our drive for another 1 hour and 1/2, to Liberty Jail. It was so amazing to see the actual jail and hear all the facts. So amazing that they survived there. This shows the upper floor all nice and cozy, and the bottom is where the men were kept.
Onward ever Onward to Far West! This place we found so intriguing, we weren't sure what to expect when we got there, but were very surprised with what they had. They have the land for a Temple that will be built someday and four corner stones that will be there. Each one representing a different aspect of the gospel.
Brad getting in touch with his feminine side. haha, From here we had another hour to Adam-ondi-Ahman. When we got there it was so Amazing to see all the land, so beautiful and green. (unlike Idaho...) We went to two different views and both were astounding
The church sites were such a great experience, I am so glad we were able to see them all, since who knows when we'll be back in the area. More driving and we finally made it to Jon and Nicole's. Whooo! The next day we went to the Nebraska Temple and Winter Quarters.
Brad telling the mannequin a joke. (don't ask) :)
Played around inside, then walked around and looked at the graves. That night we went to a delicious Mongolian Grill for Brad's Birthday! :) The next morning we headed to Vail!! it was so great to see the whole family again and actually spend some quality time with everyone. We talked a lot, played a lot of games, saw a little bit of Vail, played with shrink wrap, marshmallow guns, the boys went and played frisbee golf, and the girls went on a hike and went on the bungee tramps.
Such a wonderful weekend, we were sad for it to be over, and heading back to school. Monday morning we woke up super early so we could make it to check in to our apartment. After about 10-11 hours of driving we were just passing Pocatello and there was a loud bang right next to my ear and the passenger window exploded. I jumped towards Brad and glass shattered along the side of the seat and my body. SO SCARY!!! We had no idea how it happened, there was no bird, or a bullet hole, nothing. Whatever it was it shattered the whole window. We pulled off at the next exit and busted the rest of the window down. The gas station we stopped at happened to have free vacuums too! How often does that happen, I don't know, but we felt blessed. :)
We tried putting a towel in the door, but that just came out once we picked up speed. Finally reached our apartment complex office only to find that they were closed.... Really?!?! I e-mailed them a week in advance telling them we were coming, and they were closed for the Holiday. Idaho... We found somebody else who was also moving in and had found the number to have someone come unlock the door to the apartment. 20 minutes later, we could start unpacking. That just started a whole new mess, but we were glad to have finally gotten here safely! Later that week we got the window fixed, and started school. I LOVE my classes, Brad is finishing up generals and working lots. Our apartment is starting to come together so I'll take pictures soon. :)