Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Christmas TIME

Over our Christmas break in AZ we went to Brad's house.  We made gingerbread houses.

 Saw the Mesa Temple lights!
 Performed the Nativity, these were the wise men
Here is Mary (Olivia) riding her donkey (Hannah)
 Everyone in places
Everyone who had a part!! HOORAH! Great job everyone!
The tree of presents! :)

Sedona Natural Bridge

We went hiking in Sedona before Christmas!
 The natural bridge
 Nicole and Olivia on the bridge

The gang
 Pretty cactus
Olivia sleeping on the way home. :)

Hiking and New Years in AZ

After Christmas we went on a nice hike
 Pretty pink cactus
 Not sure what Will was looking at?! But I thought it was cute. hehe

 On new years we did some fireworks and let off these lanterns!  Which flew away somewhere until they started to descend... somewhere..?
 All the brave ones who jumped in the pool for the polar bear plunge!!  SO COLD!! (Ben, Jess, Justin, Brad, Noelle, and Ryan)  Good job guys! :)
Christmas was such a blast with so much of the family!  We're so grateful we were able to go home and spend some time with everyone! :)  Miss everyone now!

Baby Bumpin

So here it is at 14 weeks according to the Doctor... 16 weeks to me

 Here it is at 19 weeks to Dr. and 21 weeks to me

Yes I disagree with my doctor, surprise surprise.  I don't trust Doctors and based on my LMP and my fundal height I'm 21 weeks. :)  So we have a wide range of possible due dates. :) We have been feeling our baby girl move a lot in the past week!  It's so amazing!  Love this little miracle! :)